28 et 29 sept. 2015, conférence Hospinnomics, « Smart Data, Smart Methods: Challenges for Health Economics »

Smart Data, Smart Methods: Challenges for Health Economics

28 et 29 Septembre 2015
Hôtel Scipion
13 rue Scipion, 75005 Paris

Pour télécharger le programme de la conférence en format pdf.

Pour revoir l’intégralité des interventions de la conférence.

Purpose and general theme

New challenges are facing economists when carrying out analyses in order to shed light on decision-making. Among these challenges is the use of increasingly large datasets that need to be structured (from big to ‘smart’ data), while meeting privacy standards. Econometrics offers a set of quantitative techniques for causality inference and economic evaluation of programmes’ impact. ‘Data linkage’ techniques enable researchers to make the best use of existing administrative data by creating links with survey or experimental data. Randomization techniques produce robust evaluation of public policies. Behavioural economics offers an analysis of the obstacles encountered in devising optimal policies. All these ‘smart’ methods must be readily available to decision-makers and the purpose of this workshop is to discuss their potential application to health care, with a special focus on hospital related issues.


The workshop is organised around three panels (Monday 28th afternoon) and an interactive session (Tuesday 29th morning):

The first panel, ‘Smart data’, addresses the issue of the potential impact of smart data on both research and decision-making.

The second panel, ‘Smart methods’ presents new methods in health economics and their potential to address some of the challenges raised by smart data.

The third panel (in French) brings together economists and decision-makers in order to discuss the obstacles and prospects encountered in the application of these new methods in the field of health economics. The reception follows on.

The interactive session takes place on Tuesday morning, September 29th and brings together researchers from various disciplines and decision-makers to identify future collaborations on some of the issues addressed the previous day.

Provisional program

Monday, September 28th

12.30  Registration and ‘café gourmand’

13.30  Introduction

  • Pierre Corvol (Chair, Hospinnomics Scientific Advisory Board)
  • Pierre-Yves Geoffard (Director, Paris School of Economics)

13.45  Panel 1: Smart data: impact on health care research and decision-making

  • Chair – Pierre-Yves Geoffard (PSE)
  • Emmanuel Bacry (Polytechnique): Smart data: Scientific challenges?
  • Randall Ellis (Boston University): Smart data: challenges for health economics
  • Geneviève Chêne (Univ. Bordeaux, AVIESAN): Next Generation Sequencing: implications for research and action
  • Franck Le Ouay (Honestica)

General discussion

15.15  Panel 2: Smart methods for health economics

  • Chair – Alberto Holly (HEC Lausanne, Univ. Nova de Lisboa)
  • Sherry Glied (NYU): Smart methods in health economics: an overview
  • Andrew Jones (York University): Econometrics
  • Marc Gurgand (PSE, J-PAL): Randomization methods
  • Antoine Bozio (PSE, IPP): Evaluation of public policies: dynamic microsimulation
  • Mattéo Galizzi (LSE): Behavioral economics

General discussion

17.00  Coffee break

17.30  Panel 3: Smart Data, Smart Methods: quels impacts en pratique ?

  • Chair – Lise Rochaix (PSE, Hospinnomics)
  • Jérôme Wittwer (Univ. Bordeaux, ISPED) : Evaluation de l’expérimentation TSN (Territoires Santé Numérique)
  • Marine Jeantet (CNAMTS, AT-MP) : L’évaluation du « case management » des accidents du travail
  • Axelle Charpentier (MAFEJ, DJEPVA) : Evaluation de l’impact de programmes visant la réinsertion des jeunes sous main de justice: le retour d’expérience du Fonds d’expérimentation pour la jeunesse
  • Franck von Lennep (DREES) : Quelles données quelles méthodes pour l’aide à la décision ? Le point de vue de la DREES
  • Namik Tarik (AP-HP, DOMU) : Enjeux pour l’hôpital
  • Marie Zins (Univ. de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) : La cohorte Constances
  • Cynthia Fleury (Chaire Philosophie, AP-HP) : Enjeux éthiques

Discussion générale

19.45  Conclusion

  • Martin Hirsch (Director General, AP-HP)

20.00  Reception at Hotel Scipion

Tuesday, September 29th

9.00  Introduction

  • Lise Rochaix (PSE, Hospinnomics)

9.30  Working group 1: Inequalities

  • Chair – Florence Jusot (Univ. Dauphine, Chaire Santé)

10.30  Working group 2: Evaluation of health care interventions

  • Chair: Sandy Tubeuf (Leeds University)

11.30 Working group 3: Drug regulation

  • Chair: Margaret Kyle (MinesTech)

12.30  Conclusion

  • Pierre Corvol (Chair, Hospinnomics Scientific Advisory Board)

Pour nous contacter : seminaire@hospinnomics.eu

Publié le 21 juillet 2015